Our services.
A320 DGCA Type Rating
Using our trusted EASA and UK CAA approved partners, the course is aimed at pilots who want to get type-rated for the Airbus 320 Family. It is conducted in accordance with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), which is a statutory body of the Government of India to regulate aviation in this country.
B737NG DGCA Type Rating
Using our trusted EASA and UK CAA approved partners, the course is aimed at pilots who want to get type-rated for the Boeing B737NG . It is conducted in accordance with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), which is a statutory body of the Government of India to regulate aviation in this country.
Cadet Refresher Training
If you have a licence but haven’t flown in some months, we can support you to arrange refresher training at our partner ATO. This will be dependant on your current experience and last flight. Make sure you are prepared to start your type rating.